Love, Anonymous
I am taking a break from postmillennialism. I know that not many people read my blog, but for whom it may concern...
There is a trend in blogdom. The fact that allows people to post comments anonymously, has eliminated accountability. Some people are not mature enough to take responsibility for their words, so they give their "hit and run" comments, insults, criticisms, foolishnesses. This is such a cowardly thing to do. There is no other explanation. Those who want to say nasty things, and not get caught, or called out, or confronted, are cowards. If you are not man/woman enough to own up to your words/nastiness/fallacious reasoning, etc...keep your mouth closed, or in this case, keep your computor off.
It is another thing entirely if you want to respectfully dissagree. This is how learning takes place, by dissagreeing parties cordially discussing issues. But throwing out mean comments under the mask of anonymity does nothing more than fan the flame residing within the sinful flesh of the cowardly antagonist.
And yet, one more thing can be said of the anonymous commentor. A wounded animal will be the most vicious. I would say that the anonymous commentor striking out is solid proof that their conscience has been wounded. So, if you are convicted by the words we (Christians) speak, one sure way to tell us that deep down you know we are right, is to leave a mean-spirited comment on one of our blogs. And if you want us to know that you are going to lie awake in bed tonight struggling to ignore the truth of God's Word, leave your comment under the name, anonymous.
I agree, and dissagree with your comment. I also think I may not have been clear enough with the distinction between anonymous comments expressing a view or belief, and anonymous comments that just tear down, insult, and antagonize.
My agreement: This corner of the blogospere can be rather intense. So I can see people leaving anonymous comments not wanting to get caught in the crossfire that can end up getting pretty brutal.
But, I also believe that if you cannot defend a belief, you have no business owning it. If you cannot defend a belief, you cannot truly say that you know your belief. And if you are not sure enough about a belief to defent it, you should say so. Maybe say something like, "Such and such is what I think to be most correct, but I could be wrong."
In my post, although I failed to say so*blush*, I was specifically trying to address hit and run insults. I think a lot of misunderstanding could have been avoided had I been more clear. My apologies.
These anonymous "low blows" are nothing more than a wounded conscience striking out. Don't get me wrong, I think it goes both ways. When a "christian" stoops to undue name calling, it may also be that they are feeling cornered. However I think some heavier criticisms that may come off as name calling are acceptable. Such as the way you may see Paul Manata conversing with athiests. Jesus sets precedence for this in the way he deals with Pharisees and so forth.
Thanks for your graciousness.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
Lilly! Of course I remember you. I remember the two of us talking about how your hubby had not had the chance to give my hubby a "holy kiss" yet. :)
Glad to hear there is a Reformed Baptist church in Florida. What is it called? Is it part of F.I.R.E., or A.R.B.C.A.?
I am honored that you frequent my humble blog :) I hope you are enjoying the musings of a woman who has so much to say and so little time to say it :)
As far as the Nancy Wilson's books go, I have read the Fruit Of Her Hands. I believed she did an excellent job describing the supporting role of a Godly wife. It was a convicting book, especially when she spoke of seeing your husband as the apple tree in the woods or forest or something like that, I forget the exact analogy. I also found the book to be so encouraging to me as a keeper at home. My job as a stay-at-home mom is one of the most important in the world. I loved this book.
I have not yet read Praise Her In The gates. It is on my mental "to-read" list, and I hope to get my hands on it soon. If you have read it, plase tell me what you think of it.
I am currently reading Total Truth written by Nancy Piercey. It is a BIG book. I am still in the first chapter, which is very sad becasue I have had the book for about half a year. But so far, I absolutely love it. Nancy Piercy has been described by many as a modern-day woman Francois Schaffer.
Hope all is well with you and your husband, Patrick right? Thanks for stopping by A Thinking Woman, and feel free to stop by and comment anytime, even if it is only to say "hi."
Lilly, I'll pass your kudos along to my hubby :)
Amen to everything you said about hormonal birth control. I know that most docs will tell you that the spontaneous abortion caused by these pills is only a "last resort" function, but it still happens. And the woman taking the pill would have no way to know when she has prevented pregnancy or aborted a living soul. It's like playing russian roulette with someone else's soul. Actually that is exactly what it is.
I think Christendom as a whole is not going around saying "it doesn't matter, at least I don't have to deal with a kid right now", I think that they just haven't studied up on it. They believe their docs, without further investigation. If the doctor told us something regarding our own health in a life or death matter, I'm sure we would study the issue out. Why not do the same regarding our precious LIVING unborn children?
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