A Thinking Woman

In honor of every woman who has located the "on" switch for her brain.

Monday, August 07, 2006

The SCCCS Conference

I'm sure I won't be the only person to blog on the SCCCS (Southern California Center for Christian Studies) conference that took place this last weekend in Fullerton, CA. But here are my thoughts on the event.

The topic this year was on Christianity in the movies. The speakers were Brian Godawa, Jack Hafer, Joel Pelsue, and Goran Dragolovic. Before going to the conference the only name I was familiar with was Brian Godawa.

I overall was dissappointed with the conference. The men asked to speak ranged in profession from producer, to screenwriter, to president of Arts & Entertainment Ministries, to an elder of a PCUSA church. Brian Godawa alone seemed to have much experience with public speaking. And a certain other person (who shall remain nameless) who opened/closed the conference, introduced speakers, and moderated the Q&A session, was downright rude despite the excelling example of humility left by his father. The SCCCS as a whole seems to be going in a very concerning direction. Different comments uttered offstage lead me to believe the Auburn Avenue/New Perspective on Paul errors are finding their way into this organization. And then there's the ecumenicalism shown forth with statements such as one of the speakers spoke, calling Mel Gibson (a very devout Tridentine Catholic who believes liturgy should only be in Latin) a Christian.

Basically, at the end of the conference, I am left with one last thought-How I wish Greg Bahnsen were still here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's sad if NPP and Ecumenicalism in SCCCS

7:25 PM  
Blogger Josh's Loving Wife, aka Angela Brisby said...

Jimmy li,

I agree. My hubby and I are both very disappointed and saddened.

1:49 PM  

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A Thinking Woman

In honor of every woman who has located the "on" switch for her brain.

Location: At My House In, Southern California, United States

I am forever grateful to be Josh's wife:) I am the 25yr. old mother of four kids under 4 yrs old. Next to my Sovereign God and my sweet and adorably Godly hubby, Gabriel Luther (3 3/4yrs.), Aaron Van Til (2 1/2yrs.) , "Emmie" Rebekah Emerald (15 mos), and Owen Isaac (6 weeks old) are the greatest blessings God has given me. And yes, I am still praying for more:) I am Reformed, baptistic, presuppositional, postmillennial, idealistic, quiver-full, a cessationist, a tradutionist, and I'm sure I could go on for a while, but I don't think I would amuse anyone but myself, so I'll spare you all.

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