Family Update
Hi all. My sweet hubby asked me yesterday, "When are you going to blog again?" That's when I realized it had really been a while. So, for all of you who have undoubtedly missed my blogs so much, here's an update on what's been going on in our family since I posted last.
We lost internet connection a handful of months ago, and while hubby was able to blog and check e-mail, etc, through his internet access at work, I was home every day. So, I was kinda cut off from the outside world for a while. We do now have internet connection, in our new house.
We are now in our new house. We had been waiting for quite a while, since about June of last year, but we're finally here! God be praised. It is such a blessing to have elbow room. Don't get me wrong, our old house was a huge blessing too, being rent-free. But it's nice to finally be settled in a place of our own. Feels good to be a homeowner. Something I never thought we'd be calling ourselves in southern California. We are having our house-warming party tomorrow from 4pm-9pm for all of you who are interested.
About a month ago, the day we were supposed to move into our new house, Gabriel had a siezure (Josh said he may have also had one the night before, but wasn't sure if that's what he was seeing). It was during his sleep, and since he didn't have a fever at the time of the siezure (which would have made it a febral siezure, easy to diagnose and not a huge thing to worry about), the docs wanted to do some tests. So, March 7th Gabe goes into Children's Hospital to get an EEG. He hasn't had any siezures since then.
About threee weeks ago I heard rattling in Emmie's chest. She was also very cranky and lethargic. I took her to the ER where they said she had "very bad" pneumonia in both of her lungs. The docs were undecided on whether to admit her into the hospital or let me take her home. After a while, they decided to let me take her home provided I took her to the pediatrician for a follow up on the next monday (it was then saturday). Monday came, I took her in, the pediatrician was not worried when she looked at Emmie. We went home, Emmie recovered nicely, but at Emmie's visit, I asked the pediatrician to also look at the boys since they were taking so long to recover from their colds. She said they both had ear infections. I took them back on friday to be looked at again and Gabe's had gone away without meds, meaning that his infection was only viral. But Aaron still had his, so he got put on meds. The pediatrician told me at that time that she had gotten the final report from Emmie's hospital x-rays and that the docs at the ER wanted to do another x-ray because it looked like she had congenital emphazema. So, we were able to get another x-ray about a week or so later, and it came back negative. I cried tears of relief when we found out our little girl was healthy.
I am 3 & 1/2 weeks away from my due date with Owen. Which really means I can have him anytime after Sunday, being full term at 37 weeks.. And every day I feel bigger and bigger. I am very ready to be done being pregnant. While I love how I feel psycologically when I am carrying a little life in me, I do not like all the aches, pains and discomforts it bring to my body. Last night I was sure I would go into labor at any minute. I have no idea how any woman gets through pregnancy without God's grace. You'd think that by the time you are getting ready to deliver your 4th child, you be ready and calm. I'm not. Something about the impending excruciating pain just really unnerves me. I am looking forward to having Owen in my arms, but not the process it takes to ge there. I would appreciate any prayers the church body can offer on my behalf in this area.
That's it for now. I need to go be a mommy now.
Hi Friend! Thanks for the update (most of which I knew already but still enjoyed reading and knowing that you were back online)! I will be praying for your anxiety concerning the birth process. I remember almost exactly how that feels - at times bordering on panic attack status which would catapult me into prayer. Are we on for Wednesday night? Email me! Jen A.
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