A Thinking Woman

In honor of every woman who has located the "on" switch for her brain.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Green Thumb Anyone?

We had our house-warming party two days ago. It was so much fun! Many people showed up and we had a great time of fellowship. Several guests brought us some gifts. Included among them were some violas (the flower, not the musical instrument :), two rose bushes, three grape plants, and another potted plant (I can't remember the name of it)

I absolutley love the thought of having these plants in our yard. In fact, as soon as we decided on which house to buy, I was already thinking about putting plants of some kind in the yard. The problem is...I tend to kill plants.

Josh bought me two potted plants early in our marriage. I didn't water them enough, they died. Then when we moved to Georgia, he bought me another potted plant. This time I was determined not to kill it. So, I watered it about 2-3 times a week. Guess I wasn't supposed to do that either, it died.

So, while I am so grateful to the guests who brought us these plants, and while I am so happy to have them and try to grow them...I am afraid I will be labeled the "serial plant killer" by the end of a month or two at the most.

Who knows, maybe these ones will survive me. I can just picture a beautiful yard with roses and a flourishing grape vine (maybe I can learn how to make wine?), and a house lined with beautiful little violas. I think the other potted plant would look nice just outside the front doorway.

So, does anyone know how to do this??? I looked online this morning, but if anyone can walk me step-by-step through it, they might just be saving the life of a poor defenseless little grape.


Blogger April said...

You're funny.

Sorry, I can't help you with the grapes sister and I am sorry we didn't make it to your house-warming. I had it on my calendar but Reid was very ill Saturday. I am glad it turned out to be a nice day for you. We will look forward to seeing it another time.

BTW please don't be offended if I don't ask you to babysit any plants while we are away. :) LOL
Blessings to You.

4:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, girl! I wish that I could help you on this one. My husband and I are the official "serial plant killers" of the North County! That is why we have a gardener now, because we were tired of spending money on replacing plants. Talk to some of the ladies at church Leni Boe, Ana J., or the Hebners. They may be able to help you! Jen A.

9:29 PM  
Blogger Josh Brisby said...


You are the cutest, most adorable plant-killer I have ever laid eyes on. :0)


9:50 PM  

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A Thinking Woman

In honor of every woman who has located the "on" switch for her brain.

Location: At My House In, Southern California, United States

I am forever grateful to be Josh's wife:) I am the 25yr. old mother of four kids under 4 yrs old. Next to my Sovereign God and my sweet and adorably Godly hubby, Gabriel Luther (3 3/4yrs.), Aaron Van Til (2 1/2yrs.) , "Emmie" Rebekah Emerald (15 mos), and Owen Isaac (6 weeks old) are the greatest blessings God has given me. And yes, I am still praying for more:) I am Reformed, baptistic, presuppositional, postmillennial, idealistic, quiver-full, a cessationist, a tradutionist, and I'm sure I could go on for a while, but I don't think I would amuse anyone but myself, so I'll spare you all.

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