Our Cat
Some of you know we have a cat named Bunyan (a.k.a Bunny, Bun-Buns, Bunny-Buns). I have a love-hate relationship with this cat. He is really sweet, and actually acts more like a dog than a cat. He always wants affection and love. He wants to be in the middle of everything you are doing. He walks under your feet causing people to trip over him. He's not the Garfield-like picture you think of when you think of a cat.
A little over a week ago, we let him out as we usually did every morning...when he came back, he had a huge (1 1/2 in) gash in his left hind leg. It wasn't actively bleeding, so we thought we'd let it heal on it's own. But as time passed and as Bunny continued to lick his wound to keep it clean we noticed that not only was the hair around it falling out, but with the hair gone the muscle was visible in the wound (sorry for the discriptiveness).
Hubby took him to the animal hospital today and he is staying overnight for surgery (not inexpensive) :( I seem to like him a lot more now. I hope he will not be to scared in a strange place overnight.