A Thinking Woman

In honor of every woman who has located the "on" switch for her brain.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Clarification on My Previous Post

In my previous post I was not saying that everyone who uses birth control is sexually impure, or that they will do sexually impure things.

I do believe, however, that if birth control were not an option, the sexually impure would have second thoughts about throwing around their sexuality. Although there are exceptions, birth control is directly responsible for the epidemic of sexual impurity we see around us.

Of course behind it all, the first source of all sin is our own sinful hearts. And even without birth control, I'm sure some would still find ways to be impure.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The Woes of Sexual Impurity

It seems that sexual impurity is the root cause of many kinds of evils. This information I obtained from one of the elders at my church. It comes from a slide he used in a Sunday school class.

Sexual impurity leads to a disregard for life, self, society, and the narural order. I will do by best to explain the chart without actually posting it, as I don't know how. Much of the commentary will be my own.

First, sexual impurity leads to a disregard for life. Let's see how this works out. Those who are sexually impure are the ones who are murdering their children through abortion. They don't call it murder, of course, but they fail to see the blessing being knit together in their womb or their partner's womb, and they disregard it as trash. This leads to a mentality that sees children as a burden and a hinderance to success, happiness, etc, therefore it becomes much easier to abuse the children who are allowed to live past the first nine months of life, those kids who are already born are looked upon with distain. And as we have seen in the Holocaust and other examples of euthanaisa, when a whole sect of society is looked upon with such distain, ridding the society of them is an acceptable option. And if the unwanted sect of society is expendable, and seen as less than human, why not torture them? And then of course if you see yourself as part of that expendable sect of society, why not end your life as a way of ending the pain that comes along with being unwanted and unloved? Sexual impurity leads to a disregard for life.

Second, sexual impurity leads to a disregard for self. Those who are sexually impure know that they can contract vicious and even deadly diseases from their practices. Yet, is this enough to curb their harmful practices? No. Ironically, it is their love of self exibited in their need for self- gratification that causes them to continue in their dangerous ways. Sexual gratification is as addictive as any drug. And the more you allow yourself to indulge in, the more it takes to gratify you. The ways of a sexually impure person will become more and more perverse, including, but not limited to pornography, rape, incest, harming others, self mutilation. One living in these ways will self destruct if you give them enough time. Thankfully our laws put them behind bars if they get too far in harming others, but no one can keep them from the harm they are doing to themselves, all for the sake of self-gratification. Sexual impurity leads to a disregard of self.

Third, sexual impurity leads to a disregard for society. Divorce is a big one. Many times when a man and a woman divorce, it is because one or both of them has been sexually impure. In the case that both remain sexually pure and divorce for other reasons, the divorce is not acknowlegded by God, therefore if they begin another sexually active relationship whether it's fornication or remarrying, it is adultery, which is sexual impurity. Sexual impurity is obviously the direct cause of prostitution. And in the world of prostitution, there is a whole host of other problems such as drugs, crime, and violence. All these will lead very quickly to the destruction of any society. Sexual impurity leads to a disregard for society.

Sexual impurity leads to a disregard for natural order. It leads to the disintigration if the institution of the family. Not only by tearing apart homes, but by creating abberant and perverted versions of the "home". I will call it now. In fifty to seventy-five years from now, I will be shocked and perplexed if marriage to a dog is not a legally recognized union. The God-given natural order established at the creation of the first marriage (that of Adam and Eve), was that one man should marry one woman. The first step away from that is homosexuality, and there is no end to the perversion if you keep going. Pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia, and whatever alse the depraved mind can think of. A homosexual friend who I care about very much has justified some of the most crazy "unions" you could imagine. Sexual impurity leads to a disregard for natural order.

This basically was my commentary added to the chart my elder used.

Now I am going to proceed to take it one step back. What is the cause of sexual impurity? You ready? Here's where I get controversial. Here's where I lose half of my blog readers, and get the other half mad at me :) Speak the truth in love right? I'll try my best...

The cause of sexual impurity is the separation of procreation from the sex act.

When we separate the sex act from the possibility of a child coming out of that union, we relinquish ourselves of any of the responsibility that by nature comes with blessing of that union. Since our society is so bent on self-gratification, we want the pleasure now, but we do not the responsibility that comes with the right to enjoy that pleasure.

When a man and a woman have intercourse, they are making a covenant to each other with their bodies, they are becoming "one flesh", they are spiritually marrying themselves to each other. In a covenant, there are privileges and responsibilities. The problem today, is that we want the privileges of being married with out the responsibilities. Whether it is a legally married man and woman, or those who are just "playing married". The principle responsibility that comes with marriage, is raising children. This, I believe, is the main reason God reserved the right for sexual relations for a man and a woman married to each other. This provides the best home for the child. But when we know we will not have the "burden" of children to deal with, thanks to modern technology and "medicine", we can be as irresponsible with our sexuality as we want, without the worry of dealing with whining kids.

So, in summary, birth control leads to sexual impurity. Sexual impurity leads to a disregard of life, self, society, and natural order.

Sorry for the length of this novel. If you stuck with me thus far, thanks. I will now open up for the crossfire ;)

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Another Quiz

I also took another more general theology quiz. I will not post the results because the author of the quiz did not have very nice things to say about Calvinists.

But it turns out I am more atheistic than Arminian :)

Calvinist = 65%

Atheist = 35%

Arminian = 20%

hmmm...interesting. I think if the author of this quiz understood Calvinistic theology, not only would he not have said nasty things about Calvinists, but I would have ended up 100% Calvinist.

My Eucharist Theology

You scored as Calvin.

You are John Calvin. You have a Nestorian Christology and separate the Divinity and Humanity of Jesus. You believe only those who have faith are united to Christ, who is present spiritually, yet you call this "Real."

Calvin 100%

Zwingli 50%

Luther 13%

Catholic 6%

Unitarian 0%

I saw this quiz at another blog and decided to take it myself. You can find it at www.Quizfarm.com It is the Eucharist Theology quiz.

I do take exception, however to where it says I separate the Divinity and Humanity of Jesus. Our Lord's two nature's are distinct from each other, but inseperable. There are a whole host of theological problems that arise when you separate Jesus Divine and Human natures.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Interesting Statistic On Homosexual Men

I just heard an interesting statistic concerning homosexual men. Of all the men included in the study* almost without exception, every one of the gay men had a domineering mother. The man I heard this statistic from had a very insightful explaination.

He said that God has given boys a natural desire to be the leader, the more dominant one, the one in control. As a small boy watches his parents as he grows up, he will naturally follow his God-given instinct to emulate which ever parent is the leader, thus learning how to be the leader he is meant to be. If dad is taking the godly role of the leading husband, the boy will grow up to be a strong, secure man. But if the dad is a whimp and leaves the mom to do the leading, the boy is going to emulate the mom, therefore leaving him much more vulnerable to become homosexual.

As one who strongly believes in God's sovereignty, I can say that it makes sense to me that a role reversal in marriage would be a means God may use to bring about an end like this. So, those of us who are married, and especially those of us who have been blessed with children, MUST be so careful to fulfill our God-given roles, and not usurp the role of our spouse. The consequences seem to be much more far reaching that perhaps most of us have realized.

*I heard this on the radio, and I came in during the middle of the discussion. So, I do not know who funded or carried out the study.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I'm Green!

My apologies for the length of this post. My hubby brought home a very interesting personality quiz. I took it, and I am green. Green is the color that coordinates with the curious personality type. Red= adventurous, yellow = responsible, blue = harmonious.

Here are the results for a "green" personality. Basically, this is probably everything nobody wanted to know about me. So, since no wanted to know, no one asked. Since no one asked, I'll take the liberty to tell :)...

*Searching, learning, and understanding are fun.
*I love puzzles, problems, and finding solutions.
*I like to work independently.
*Intelligence, justice, and fairness are important.
*I want to be correct - to do things right.
*It would be great fun to explore the universe.
*Once I've found the solution, others can take over and put it into action.
*My calm exterior may hide some inner turmoil.
*I love to create a brand new idea.
*Being competent is absolutely essential.
*I want my brain to manage my emotions.

Greens want to know all there is to know about everything. They like to analyze, probe, study, invent, investigate, and explore. Nonconforming and independent, they tend to appear calm, cool, and collected most of the time. The worst situation for a Green would be to appear stupid. If there is time to read, outside of important books and journals, Greens love mysteries or science fiction. They love abstractions and puzzles.


Greens have a seemingly insatiable curiosity. When you encounter someone who is filled with questions, wants to know more about almost everything, chances are you are with a Green.

They may seem cool or aloof, emotionally arms-lengths. But if you will move from heart to the brain, you'll find a stimulating conversationalist. The Green may be skeptical. "Why?" is the most important question. Greens spend lots of time reading, mostly technical information or science fiction. This person will be focused on the future, on the possibilities, on the vision. Quite content to be on their own, Greens do things their own way and proceed independently toward the solving of a problem.

Talk about theories, models, and paradigms and you'll keep the Green's attention. Suggest the possibility of a learning experience, an advance in knowledge or wisdom. Above all, be logical and factual. Be ready to validate and proove your assertions. The "global" implications will be important to Greens. If possible, show how you can help the person develop further knowledge and understanding.

Never mind the small talk - discuss concepts, abstractions, new ideas, and plans that will impact the future. Offer a logical solution to clear problems and puzzles. Challenge the Green to help find the solution. Be creative, innovative, but not outlandish. Things need to make sense.

You may find yourself in a friendly debate but be ready to defend your position. The Green person will question and must respect you before trusting your answers. Convey the driving force or theory that underlies your ideas and proposals. This thinking person will want to consider, interpret and probe. You'll establish rapport by appreciating the Green's competence. Show how your idea meshes with their vision. Show a model or discuss the philosophical appeal. Remember, Greens want to be sure that anything they do makes sense!

So, this is me. Except that I can't stand science fiction. I don't know why they would say my personality type likes science fiction. I can't stand it precisely because it is irrational. It doesn't make sense, so I don't like it.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Reformed Theology Regenerates the Intellect

I used to think that intellectually bright people were generally more attracted to Reformed theology than those who were less likely to try to think deeply. Being in Reformed circles, I look around me and see mostly very intellectual people. After a long look at my own life, however, I think I am pretty much convinced that this is not the case. I thought that since Reformed doctrines and beliefs are so systematic and profound in nature, intellectuals would "catch on" sooner than those who were less intellectual. It seemed that intellectuals would have the cognitive faculties to better understand and embrace these truths.

I failed to realize one thing though...it is the Holy Spirit who reveals truth.

Before I became "Reformed", I was the last type of person you would have categorized as intellectual. After all, I was a musician, with mediocre grades (one has to ask, why do those two things tend to go hand in hand?). The point being, I didn't know how to think critically. I was not taught to nor expected to. I know I was saved. But my thinking abilities had yet to be awakened.

It was when I met my then future husband (although I didn't know it at the time), that my intellectual world began to slowly open up. Josh first told me that there was no such thing as a "rapture". I thought he was crazy. He proceeded to tell me that Jesus didn't die for everyone without exception. I knew he was crazy. But as the weeks and months went by, it all made more and more sense in light of God's holy Word. After reading Thomas and Steele's Doctrines of Grace, I was thoroughly convinced.

You'll never believed what happened next...well, if you're Reformed, you will...I started thinking critically for the first time in my life. And so, based upon my own intellectual "regeneration", and similar stories I have heard from others, my conclusion is that the biblical doctrines of the Reformed faith, regenerate (not literally) the mind. This is not to say that one can't have their soul regenerated unless they are Reformed. The gospel works the same for everyone who comes to Christ. Reformed theology just explains how the gospel works, and who it works for. I'm sure a good Reformed theologian will object now and say something like, "You can't make a dichotomy between the soul and the mind." I agree. Once we are called to grace by the Holy Spirit, we are gradually, progressively, and constantly being sactified by the power of God's Word. All I am saying is that once the Holy Spirit reveals the truths contained in Reformed theology, sanctification of the mind seems to occur much more rapidly.

Ok, so any thoughts on this? Feel free to comment.

Monday, August 07, 2006

The SCCCS Conference

I'm sure I won't be the only person to blog on the SCCCS (Southern California Center for Christian Studies) conference that took place this last weekend in Fullerton, CA. But here are my thoughts on the event.

The topic this year was on Christianity in the movies. The speakers were Brian Godawa, Jack Hafer, Joel Pelsue, and Goran Dragolovic. Before going to the conference the only name I was familiar with was Brian Godawa.

I overall was dissappointed with the conference. The men asked to speak ranged in profession from producer, to screenwriter, to president of Arts & Entertainment Ministries, to an elder of a PCUSA church. Brian Godawa alone seemed to have much experience with public speaking. And a certain other person (who shall remain nameless) who opened/closed the conference, introduced speakers, and moderated the Q&A session, was downright rude despite the excelling example of humility left by his father. The SCCCS as a whole seems to be going in a very concerning direction. Different comments uttered offstage lead me to believe the Auburn Avenue/New Perspective on Paul errors are finding their way into this organization. And then there's the ecumenicalism shown forth with statements such as one of the speakers spoke, calling Mel Gibson (a very devout Tridentine Catholic who believes liturgy should only be in Latin) a Christian.

Basically, at the end of the conference, I am left with one last thought-How I wish Greg Bahnsen were still here.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I've been Tagged

I don't normally do this kinda stuff, but I felt that this one had some redeeming quality.

Q. One book that changed your life: The Doctrines of Grace by Thomas and Steele

Q. One book that you've read more than once: The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan

Q. One book you'd want on a desert island: The Heavenly Footman by John Bunyan

Q. One book that made you laugh: Right Behind: A Parody of Last Days' Goofiness by Nate Wilson and Mr. Sock

Q. One book that made you cry: Life by His Death (an easier to read version of The Death of Death in the Death of Christ by John Owen)

Q. One book that you wish had been written: A book teaching American Christian Women how to really think, as opposed to mindlessly following the ideologies of American feminism. I've been toying with the idea of writing it myself. It'll probably never happen though :)

Q. One book that you wish had never been written: The Left Behind Series. Well, actually it is good comedy relief.

Q. One book you're currently reading: Total Truth by Nancy Piercey

Q. One book you've been meaning to read: Praise Her in the Gates by Nancy Wilson

Now tag five people:

I do not know many people to tag in the blogoshpere. So, I will now extend an open invitation to anyone who reads my humble blog. Feel free to copy, paste, and complete with your own answers. Please do let me know if you do, because I would love to see your answers.

A Thinking Woman

In honor of every woman who has located the "on" switch for her brain.

Location: At My House In, Southern California, United States

I am forever grateful to be Josh's wife:) I am the 25yr. old mother of four kids under 4 yrs old. Next to my Sovereign God and my sweet and adorably Godly hubby, Gabriel Luther (3 3/4yrs.), Aaron Van Til (2 1/2yrs.) , "Emmie" Rebekah Emerald (15 mos), and Owen Isaac (6 weeks old) are the greatest blessings God has given me. And yes, I am still praying for more:) I am Reformed, baptistic, presuppositional, postmillennial, idealistic, quiver-full, a cessationist, a tradutionist, and I'm sure I could go on for a while, but I don't think I would amuse anyone but myself, so I'll spare you all.

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