I'm Green!
My apologies for the length of this post. My hubby brought home a very interesting personality quiz. I took it, and I am green. Green is the color that coordinates with the curious personality type. Red= adventurous, yellow = responsible, blue = harmonious.
Here are the results for a "green" personality. Basically, this is probably everything nobody wanted to know about me. So, since no wanted to know, no one asked. Since no one asked, I'll take the liberty to tell :)...
*Searching, learning, and understanding are fun.
*I love puzzles, problems, and finding solutions.
*I like to work independently.
*Intelligence, justice, and fairness are important.
*I want to be correct - to do things right.
*It would be great fun to explore the universe.
*Once I've found the solution, others can take over and put it into action.
*My calm exterior may hide some inner turmoil.
*I love to create a brand new idea.
*Being competent is absolutely essential.
*I want my brain to manage my emotions.
Greens want to know all there is to know about everything. They like to analyze, probe, study, invent, investigate, and explore. Nonconforming and independent, they tend to appear calm, cool, and collected most of the time. The worst situation for a Green would be to appear stupid. If there is time to read, outside of important books and journals, Greens love mysteries or science fiction. They love abstractions and puzzles.
Greens have a seemingly insatiable curiosity. When you encounter someone who is filled with questions, wants to know more about almost everything, chances are you are with a Green.
They may seem cool or aloof, emotionally arms-lengths. But if you will move from heart to the brain, you'll find a stimulating conversationalist. The Green may be skeptical. "Why?" is the most important question. Greens spend lots of time reading, mostly technical information or science fiction. This person will be focused on the future, on the possibilities, on the vision. Quite content to be on their own, Greens do things their own way and proceed independently toward the solving of a problem.
Talk about theories, models, and paradigms and you'll keep the Green's attention. Suggest the possibility of a learning experience, an advance in knowledge or wisdom. Above all, be logical and factual. Be ready to validate and proove your assertions. The "global" implications will be important to Greens. If possible, show how you can help the person develop further knowledge and understanding.
Never mind the small talk - discuss concepts, abstractions, new ideas, and plans that will impact the future. Offer a logical solution to clear problems and puzzles. Challenge the Green to help find the solution. Be creative, innovative, but not outlandish. Things need to make sense.
You may find yourself in a friendly debate but be ready to defend your position. The Green person will question and must respect you before trusting your answers. Convey the driving force or theory that underlies your ideas and proposals. This thinking person will want to consider, interpret and probe. You'll establish rapport by appreciating the Green's competence. Show how your idea meshes with their vision. Show a model or discuss the philosophical appeal. Remember, Greens want to be sure that anything they do makes sense!
So, this is me. Except that I can't stand science fiction. I don't know why they would say my personality type likes science fiction. I can't stand it precisely because it is irrational. It doesn't make sense, so I don't like it.
This was fun to read to learn more about you!!
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