A Thinking Woman

In honor of every woman who has located the "on" switch for her brain.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Where Do The Babies Go?

Ok, a new and related thought to my last post.

Babies die. This is a very sad truth. In my last post, I concluded that death is the result, and just punishment for sin. Death passes through ALL men because ALL sin. If babies die as the result of the sin living within them, do they go to heaven or hell?

FIRST, LET ME BE VERY CLEAR, I believe that God is a just God AND a merciful God. I plead God's mercy for the babies who have passed on without having heard the gospel. However I don't think that Scripture gives a clear answer to the question of where they go.

But my question is this...Would not God be just if he fully punished these sinful souls? God would not be holy or just if He let sin go unpunished. So, I guess the real question we are asking when we ask, "Where to babies go when they die?", is did Christ's blood cover their soul. We know that their sin is punished. SO, the question is, "Did they bear their own punishment, or did Christ?"

Let me again be clear once again. If it is up to a person to believe the gospel in order to be saved, then all babies who die prebirth are eternally lost. Because they did not believe the gospel they can rightly be punished for their sin. But if faith is a divine gift from God, which He gives to whomever he will, then we can have hope, because He has the power to give it even to babies who have yet to be born.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Why Do Babies Die?

This is my question to all "christian" denominations that deny original sin. Death is the punishment for sin. Why do babies, who have no sin (in their belief), die? Death of all kinds, abortions, miscarriages, accidents, death by old age are all a part of God's judgment upon sin. We who are pardoned by the blood of Christ, although we have been saved from the "second death" (spiritual death), still must undergo the "first death" (physical death). This is because we are still sinners. Our first death as believers, I believe purges the sin that still dwells within us, to make us fit for Heaven. But if we are not concevied under Adam's federal headship, and if original sin merely means the first sin a person commits, why are babies inutero (in the womb)still subject to death, by abortion or miscarriage? How can a baby sin inutero? Most would say they can't. Why then are they punished by death for something they have not done yet?

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Other Two

Here are our other two munchins, Aaron, and Emmie.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Fun With Hair Clippers

Here's my little Gabe. On our way to shaving his hair off we stopped here...

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Somethin's Cookin' !

Yes folks, you heard it here first (probably). Today Josh and I found out that there is a real live, living, heart-beating, human soul growing in my womb. Praise the Lord with us!!! God is the Sovereign giver of life, and throughout Scripture you find texts that show children as being a blessing, a gift, an heritage. Thank you God, for such a precious gift, and the three other precious gifts you gave me before this one.

I almost can't wait to welcome this brand new little soul into our home and hearts.

P.S. Please only comment on this post if you can truly praise the Lord with Josh and me. I know that most will think we're crazy/irresponsible/"gluttons for punishment" for welcoming so many kids into our life, but please don't tell me you think so. I would rather not hear it. :)

Monday, July 10, 2006

Love, Anonymous

I am taking a break from postmillennialism. I know that not many people read my blog, but for whom it may concern...

There is a trend in blogdom. The fact that blogger.com allows people to post comments anonymously, has eliminated accountability. Some people are not mature enough to take responsibility for their words, so they give their "hit and run" comments, insults, criticisms, foolishnesses. This is such a cowardly thing to do. There is no other explanation. Those who want to say nasty things, and not get caught, or called out, or confronted, are cowards. If you are not man/woman enough to own up to your words/nastiness/fallacious reasoning, etc...keep your mouth closed, or in this case, keep your computor off.

It is another thing entirely if you want to respectfully dissagree. This is how learning takes place, by dissagreeing parties cordially discussing issues. But throwing out mean comments under the mask of anonymity does nothing more than fan the flame residing within the sinful flesh of the cowardly antagonist.

And yet, one more thing can be said of the anonymous commentor. A wounded animal will be the most vicious. I would say that the anonymous commentor striking out is solid proof that their conscience has been wounded. So, if you are convicted by the words we (Christians) speak, one sure way to tell us that deep down you know we are right, is to leave a mean-spirited comment on one of our blogs. And if you want us to know that you are going to lie awake in bed tonight struggling to ignore the truth of God's Word, leave your comment under the name, anonymous.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Thy Kingdom Come

To everyone who has been eagerly waiting the arrival of my next post on A Thinking Woman, I apologize that it has taken so long. My husband is a school teacher and he has been home from work this summer. And to be honest, I enjoy hanging out with my hubby more than blogging! :)

This post will be about the example our Lord left us on how we ought to pray.

"Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven..."

Would our Lord really tell us to ask for something that would never realistically happen? As trusting children, would our loving mother tell us to go ask our generous father to give us some great thing, knowing full well, that our father would never give to us that which she is telling us to ask of him? If that happened in real life, we might say that this mother is not loving after all. It would seen she is playing a cruel joke on us.

James 1:6 tells us that when we pray to God, we are to ask in faith, not doubting, for he that doubteth is like the surge of the sea driven by the wind and tossed about. I realize that in the context of the first chapter of James, the author is referring to asking God for wisdom. But I think it easily applies to any prayer we pray. We should always pray, believing that God is able to grant that which we ask if it is in accordance to his will.

Jesus tells us to pray that God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven. How is God's will done in heaven? Perfectly. I am not denying that there will always be sin in this present age. It is my belief, however, that as the gospel goes forth conquering the nations, making the enemies of Christ his footstool, God's kingdom here on earth will look more and more like his kingdom in heaven. If it would never be so, Christ would not have asked us to pray for it.

In the Great Commission, Jesus says "all authority has been given to me"...so go disciple the nations. Notice, he did NOT say go and try to convert the nations. He said disciple the nations. You cannot disciple that which is not already converted. Conversion takes place first, then discipleship follows. Why is Christ so confident as to tell us to disciple the nations (which is in itself making the assuption that they will be converted first)? Because ALL authority had been given to him.

God does not work apart from means. God uses our prayers and evangelism to bring about gospel success. So, first we pray that God's kingdom come and that his will be done perfectly on earth as it is in heaven...then we get out there in everyday life, and fulfill the Great Commission. And in case we doubt that God will use us to disciple the nations as he told us to do, never fear, because he who commanded us to do so has ALL authority to grant that it happen. And so I exclaim with the Apostle Paul..."O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and the knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his ways past tracing out! For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been his counsellor? or who hath first given to him, and it shall be recompensed unto him again? For of him, and through him, and unto him, are all things. To him be the glory for ever. Amen." And Amen.

A Thinking Woman

In honor of every woman who has located the "on" switch for her brain.

Location: At My House In, Southern California, United States

I am forever grateful to be Josh's wife:) I am the 25yr. old mother of four kids under 4 yrs old. Next to my Sovereign God and my sweet and adorably Godly hubby, Gabriel Luther (3 3/4yrs.), Aaron Van Til (2 1/2yrs.) , "Emmie" Rebekah Emerald (15 mos), and Owen Isaac (6 weeks old) are the greatest blessings God has given me. And yes, I am still praying for more:) I am Reformed, baptistic, presuppositional, postmillennial, idealistic, quiver-full, a cessationist, a tradutionist, and I'm sure I could go on for a while, but I don't think I would amuse anyone but myself, so I'll spare you all.

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