It seems that sexual impurity is the root cause of many kinds of evils. This information I obtained from one of the elders at my church. It comes from a slide he used in a Sunday school class.
Sexual impurity leads to a disregard for life, self, society, and the narural order. I will do by best to explain the chart without actually posting it, as I don't know how. Much of the commentary will be my own.
First, sexual impurity leads to a disregard for life. Let's see how this works out. Those who are sexually impure are the ones who are murdering their children through abortion. They don't call it murder, of course, but they fail to see the blessing being knit together in their womb or their partner's womb, and they disregard it as trash. This leads to a mentality that sees children as a burden and a hinderance to success, happiness, etc, therefore it becomes much easier to abuse the children who are allowed to live past the first nine months of life, those kids who are already born are looked upon with distain. And as we have seen in the Holocaust and other examples of euthanaisa, when a whole sect of society is looked upon with such distain, ridding the society of them is an acceptable option. And if the unwanted sect of society is expendable, and seen as less than human, why not torture them? And then of course if you see yourself as part of that expendable sect of society, why not end your life as a way of ending the pain that comes along with being unwanted and unloved? Sexual impurity leads to a disregard for life.
Second, sexual impurity leads to a disregard for self. Those who are sexually impure know that they can contract vicious and even deadly diseases from their practices. Yet, is this enough to curb their harmful practices? No. Ironically, it is their love of self exibited in their need for self- gratification that causes them to continue in their dangerous ways. Sexual gratification is as addictive as any drug. And the more you allow yourself to indulge in, the more it takes to gratify you. The ways of a sexually impure person will become more and more perverse, including, but not limited to pornography, rape, incest, harming others, self mutilation. One living in these ways will self destruct if you give them enough time. Thankfully our laws put them behind bars if they get too far in harming others, but no one can keep them from the harm they are doing to themselves, all for the sake of self-gratification. Sexual impurity leads to a disregard of self.
Third, sexual impurity leads to a disregard for society. Divorce is a big one. Many times when a man and a woman divorce, it is because one or both of them has been sexually impure. In the case that both remain sexually pure and divorce for other reasons, the divorce is not acknowlegded by God, therefore if they begin another sexually active relationship whether it's fornication or remarrying, it is adultery, which is sexual impurity. Sexual impurity is obviously the direct cause of prostitution. And in the world of prostitution, there is a whole host of other problems such as drugs, crime, and violence. All these will lead very quickly to the destruction of any society. Sexual impurity leads to a disregard for society.
Sexual impurity leads to a disregard for natural order. It leads to the disintigration if the institution of the family. Not only by tearing apart homes, but by creating abberant and perverted versions of the "home". I will call it now. In fifty to seventy-five years from now, I will be shocked and perplexed if marriage to a dog is not a legally recognized union. The God-given natural order established at the creation of the first marriage (that of Adam and Eve), was that one man should marry one woman. The first step away from that is homosexuality, and there is no end to the perversion if you keep going. Pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia, and whatever alse the depraved mind can think of. A homosexual friend who I care about very much has justified some of the most crazy "unions" you could imagine. Sexual impurity leads to a disregard for natural order.
This basically was my commentary added to the chart my elder used.
Now I am going to proceed to take it one step back. What is the cause of sexual impurity? You ready? Here's where I get controversial. Here's where I lose half of my blog readers, and get the other half mad at me :) Speak the truth in love right? I'll try my best...
The cause of sexual impurity is the separation of procreation from the sex act.
When we separate the sex act from the possibility of a child coming out of that union, we relinquish ourselves of any of the responsibility that by nature comes with blessing of that union. Since our society is so bent on self-gratification, we want the pleasure now, but we do not the responsibility that comes with the right to enjoy that pleasure.
When a man and a woman have intercourse, they are making a covenant to each other with their bodies, they are becoming "one flesh", they are spiritually marrying themselves to each other. In a covenant, there are privileges and responsibilities. The problem today, is that we want the privileges of being married with out the responsibilities. Whether it is a legally married man and woman, or those who are just "playing married". The principle responsibility that comes with marriage, is raising children. This, I believe, is the main reason God reserved the right for sexual relations for a man and a woman married to each other. This provides the best home for the child. But when we know we will not have the "burden" of children to deal with, thanks to modern technology and "medicine", we can be as irresponsible with our sexuality as we want, without the worry of dealing with whining kids.
So, in summary, birth control leads to sexual impurity. Sexual impurity leads to a disregard of life, self, society, and natural order.
Sorry for the length of this novel. If you stuck with me thus far, thanks. I will now open up for the crossfire ;)